XXXchurch Introduces The No-Porn Phone for the Smarthphone Era

The rise of the smartphone has led to a matching rise in mobile porn viewing. More people are using phones than ever before, and more people are using them to look at porn than ever before, too.

So what’s a conscientious person supposed to do?

How can one avoid the temptation of porn on the phone?

How can a parent make sure their kids won’t check out porn on their own smartphone?

We take these questions seriously, which is why we’re proud to introduce the very first no-porn phone for the smartphone era. Invented by a guy named Dave in a hipster barn in the Pacific Northwest, this phone is incapable of receiving porn.



It’s also incapable of handling text messages, the internet, social media, games, or any other apps, and it can’t take, receive, or send any photos.

It’s perfect!

With XXXchurch’s No-Porn Phone, you can send your kids out into the wild world knowing they’ll be completely safe from viewing pornography on their phone. In fact, the biggest worry you’ll have is that they’ll get severe muscle strain from carrying the phone around!

With XXXchurch’s No-Porn Phone, you can lug your own phone around and never have to worry about succumbing to temptation in the heat of the moment. Best of all, our No-Porn Phone weighs a ton and takes up an incredible amount of room, so you’ll always have a visual and tactile reminder of your commitment to stay porn-free!

Sure, it might be a little inconvenient, but let’s get real: it’s not like you can have a porn-free smartphone these days, right?

For more information on how you can get your hands on this REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGY please visit today!

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