One of the common things that gets debated when it comes to pornography use is its “addictive” nature.
Is porn really addictive in the clinical sense of the word?
Does porn really damage or change the user’s brain or is that a claim of weak science?
Admittedly the scientific data on porn or sex addiction is still very new so it seems reasonable that there is no solid clinical answer on this matter of of yet.
However, the American Society of Addiction Medicine characterizes addiction the following way:
1) The inability to consistently abstain
2) Impairment in behavioral control
3) Craving for [substances] or rewarding experiences
4) Reduced recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships; and
5) A dysfunctional emotional response
We have talked to thousands of people about this and these “characteristics” are generally present in most if not all cases.
You may want to argue about the technicalities but I’d say the evidence is pretty compelling; porn is not only addictive but it kills.
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