There are so many myths associated with London escorts. The fact is that most of them are not true, and they have probably been made up by people who are not so keen on London escorts. There are lots of people around London who would like to see London escorts go out of business. It is not that they are jealous or anything, it is just that some people believe that the best way to clean up London, is to get rid of most of the girls who work as escorts. Why/ Many gents only visit London to date escorts.
It is not true that London escorts are prostitutes or cheap tarts, says Alan. I visit London a lot from the United States and I can tell that the London escorts that I date are not cheap tarts. If you want to see cheap tarts, or sluts as we say in the US, you should travel to places like Las Vegas. All of the girls that I have dated in London have all been sexy ladies, but cheap sluts they have not been. As a matter of fact, this is why I think so many gents like to date London escorts, they are really classy.
The belief that all London escorts are porn stars is not true neither. Some girls who work for London escorts, may have been porn stars once upon a time, but once they start working in London, they are not porn stars any more. In the United States you can date porn stars as escorts, but I would say that is totally different. I have tried a few dates with porn stars, and to be honest, they completely failed to turn me on. No, I would so much rather date girls here in London, I love what they have got going.
There is also a common held belief or myth that all London escorts are English girls. That is not true neither. Many of the London escorts that I date are from all over the world. This is another reason why so many gents like to date in London. They get the opportunity to spend time with some lovely cosmopolitan ladies, and they can truly spoil themselves. I am sure that most gents really appreciate that these ladies are genuinely cosmopolitan. In the United States we get a lot of escorts who claim that they are from somewhere special, but most of them are just first or second generation American.
Am I going to give up dating London escorts? In all honesty, I don’t think I am going to give up dating London escorts. The hot girls here in London are my main reason for visiting London, and I love them. If you are a discerning gentleman looking for some fine company, I think that London is the best place to visit. You will be able to date wonderfully natural girls who will just love to turn you. You will have a great time in their company, and once you have met them, you will want to come back for more.