One is the Loneliest Number

I have a quick piece of trivia for you. Ever heard the song “One is the Loneliest Number?”

I’m sure you have. Know who sang it?

If you said the Beatles then my friend, that would be incorrect. The original song was written and sung by Harry Nilsson in 1968, and the original title was just “One. Don’t feel bad if you said the Beatles. That’s a pretty common belief. Just the wrong one.

You know what else is a pretty common (but wrong) belief many hold?

That recovery can be done alone. Incorrect.

Unfortunately, many people choose to suffer from their addiction alone. And consequently, when they step out and pursue recovery they try to do that alone too.

Why? Because of shame.

So we stay quiet.
We keep to ourselves.
We read books and do workshops all without talking to anyone else and then wonder why nothing changes.

Hey, I get it. Stepping out into the light with our addiction is hard. Real hard.

I understand that not everyone is comfortable with being open and honest about their struggles.

So an online workshop is a great place to start. It helps us take the first step.

But it can’t stop there.

I know this. I don’t want just to offer you a workshop and have you miss out on the most critical piece of the recovery journey… Other people. That is why all our recovery workshops now come with a minimum of one month of Small Groups Online included.

I know we can’t force you to take advantage of these groups, but we want to do everything we can to encourage you to join one.

And because of this, we are giving you an opportunity to get an entire year of Small Groups Online included with your purchase of the New X3pure for only $199.

Our small groups are a dedicated time for being seen and known by one another – just as we are – in a safe environment where each of us is seeking freedom from addiction, and shame, and pain.

That kind of freedom can only come through the truth of experience – the kind that happens when you’re able to level with others who understand where you’re at.

People who can empathize.

People who can weep with you and laugh with you. People who understand that sometimes, you don’t need to them to do anything other than just being there in that moment, and that is enough.

We need one another.

Consider this an invitation to be there, too.


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