I have been working for an escorts for couples service of https://charlotteaction.org/escorts-couples for a couple of months now, and I have met some really nice couples. A lot of them become friends and I enjoy seeing them all of the time. It is a really good job for for a London escorts service and to be honest, it pays much better than any other job that I have been doing around London. I wish that I could have discovered escorting much sooner and it is a shame that I didn’t.
I don’t know why but I really like to meet up with couples. Lots of couples do have a lot of challenges to get through in their daily lives and it is nice being able to help. I never get bored with working for escorts for couples. Sometimes I do other dating as well, and I don’t mind doing one to one dating, but I do find that escorts for couples is a lot more fun. You get to spend some time with some great people and I really appreciate that.
Mind you, it does not mean that I see all couples again. Last week on my escorts for couples service, I met a couple who were really into bondage. They wanted me to get involved as well, but there is no way that I would do that. I am sure that they probably really enjoy what they are into, but I am not interested in bondage. Like I explained to them, bondage does not turn me on at all and that is the main reason why I could not help them at all.
Like I explained to this escorts for couples date, it is really important that they are honest with the receptionist at our escorts service and explain what they want. Most couples are honest, and if they are into bondage, they do explain that they would like to meet a bondage specialist. This couple did not explain anything at all and I have to admit that made me feel really awkward. I left the date without having been paid for it and that annoyed me even more.
Sometimes things go wrong, and I know that things go wrong in all business. It is just very annoying when it does, and of course it costs you money as well. I am sure that it happens in other business as well, but I hate having my time wasted. It is not the receptionist fault as she had asked the couple all of the right questions. I wish that more people would understand that escorts actually are professionals and that we have a job to do just like other people.
My boss at the agency was a bit annoyed as well. It costs him money as well when something like this happens. He is a really good guy and he always stands up for us escorts. On this occasion he called the couple and asked them not to use our agency again. That made me feel a bit better.